Maintenance and Support Terms & Conditions

Maintenance and Support Terms & Conditions

Last Updated November 11, 2022

Locance will provide the following maintenance and support for the Service.

1. Support

Support provides a point of contact to report problems, operating or documentation deficiencies, and to obtain a resolution that may include further explanation of operation or instructions for a workaround. When required, code revisions may include bug fixes and/or feature enhancements that are delivered in Maintenance releases. Locance’s service assurance program provides support via help desk and expert technical support.

1.1    Problem Reporting and Tracking. Locance will provide trouble reporting and tracking services. All system problems can be reported to the 24 x 7 call desk either during normal business hours or after-hours, by an e-mail message sent to support, or through the on-line support page on the Locance website. See below for Customer Support contact details for each method:

DescriptionContact DetailsAvailability
Business Hours Phone Number1-866-375-12698 AM – 5 PM PST
Mon – Fri, excl. Holidays
After-Hours Phone Number1-866-375-126924 x 7
Customer Support Emailsupport@locance.com24 x 7
Online Contact x 7

1.2    Problem Identification. Locance will investigate and isolate the problem to the failing service. The problem and its resolution will be tracked and communicated to Customer.

1.3    Problem Repair (Locance Service). In the case of an identified failure due to Locance Assets, Locance shall identify a workaround and/or repair the failed element according to the support objectives.

1.4    Problem Repair (Third Party Services). In the case of identified failure due to third parties (including wireless service providers or other third-party service providers) Locance shall notify the third party and work with them to identify a workaround and/or repair services according to the service objectives.

1.5    Problem Repair (Customer Connection). In the case of an identified failure due to a Customer connection failure, Locance and Customer shall collaborate to identify a workaround and/or repair to restore services according to the service objectives.

2. Severity Definitions

Locance will assign each reported or identified incident a severity level according to the following definitions:

Severity 1 (Critical). A Critical Incident is any incident with no feasible workaround that: (a) causes the Service to have a significant loss of a critical function; (b) causes or is likely to cause critical data to be lost or destroyed; or (c) causes disruption to the operation of other critical system elements (i.e., severe end user service affecting).

Severity 2 (Major). A Major Incident is any incident that: (a) causes the Service to operate improperly; or (b) produces results materially different from the Service description, but which has a difficult but acceptable workaround.

Severity 3 (Minor). A Minor Incident is any incident that: (a) causes a function to not execute as set forth in the Service description, without a significant loss of intended functionality; or (b) disables one or more nonessential functions.

Severity 4 (Warning). A Warning or Informational Incident is any incident that does not affect the primary functions of the Service or that causes an inconvenience in the use of the Service.

3. Support Service Objectives

Support incidents will be addressed according to their severity level with the objective of achieving a resolution as follows:

Severity LevelResolution Timeframes
Severity 1 incident (critical)Notify within 60 Minutes; Resolve within 12 Hours
Severity 2 incident (major)5 Business Days
Severity 3 incident (minor)30 Business Days
Severity 4 incident (warning)Considered for next scheduled update

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